
Clear Sky Meditation
(Jun 2007)

The front cover introduces you the Clear Sky Meditation and Study Center, near Fort Steele, which opened its doors in the summer of 2005. Details are on page 14.This is the second spiritual organization that has built in the Cranbrook area and now the Ishaya’s are developing land on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake. I have not found the time to visit either of these new Centers but I hope to when I travel in that direction. It is great to see so many Light Centers popping up all over the land.

My spare time lately has been taken up with planting the garden and organizing the Spring Festival of Awareness. Being of service is something I enjoy, for it gives me a deep sense of satisfaction. It weaves my personal life into the work I do for the world and brings a sense of the Divine into it. It is interesting for me to reflect on my progress as I step forward into the gifts I have acquired over many lifetimes, fine-tuning them with each new volunteer or community member and whatever needs doing in each new project. Other people seem to recognize the amount of energy and talent my work takes more than I do. For me, it is another day doing what my angels ask. . . .

I seem to be good at organizing, whether it be an event or the environment I live in, for it comes easily and naturally. Balancing all that needs doing with what I can actually do seems to be my life’s lesson. I thrive in organized chaos yet I find it easy to over-extend myself. This, I believe, is a positive quality. Otherwise, I might not have agreed to organize the Spring Festival of Awareness, help Richard with the Retreat Center, or endeavor to co-create community.

These days I feel pulled in different directions. I want to be in the garden as growing our food is important, even magical, yet new volunteers need guidance, the meals need to be readied, cookies baked, clothes washed and then… the magazine has this deadline. It seems to be separate from the community … yet provides an income to help make the community happen. I would prefer to be outside doing physical work rather than sitting and writing but here I sit, typing my column, creating ads and answering emails and feeling a bit frustrated that I can’t do it all.

When I ask myself why I take on so much, my best answer is “Why not?” When I take the time to feel my frustration, I come to appreciate my ability to keep on task, knowing the magazine has a magic of its own and always gets to print. I have purchased another Mac hoping that some of the computer work will soon be shared and then it will feel more like a community project. Now the trick is to prioritize my time to bring my vision to fruition.

Once I am on the road doing the magazine distribution, I arrange to take some time off and visit my sons and grandchildren as well as the many advertisers who have become friends or associates. I also book a Rolf session and am celebrating ten years of being structurally realigned. I highly recommend rolfing as well as yoga and some breath awareness sessions if you wish to hear your body speak.

I am ever so thankful to all the volunteers who showed up at the Spring Festival to make my job easy and more volunteers and community members who have arrived to work in the gardens and help with building projects at the Retreat Center. Together we are co-creating a new world vision. This nourishes my soul as I watch the paradigm shift that is defining what wealth really is. Every dollar and every hour of my life force is spent voting for what I believe in. Creating the change that I know is possible keeps me hopeful for the future and I am glad to be part of it. I am also grateful for the support of so many advertisers and the intelligent, optimistic readers who support them so we may all continue to progress in this journey.

Recent Comments

Zachary Williams - 02/05/2023

Congratulations on completing your book.

Richard - 02/05/2023

Great to see your book is complete
