
(Sep 2008)

Abundance is a feeling that has been in my awareness for sometime now. Sometimes I feel there is too much abundance, too
many choices in my life … and, of course, too many things that need doing. I am grateful for my skills and the ability to stick with things. This edition of Issues is published with a new publishing program called InDesign, on a new computer with a mouse that has three buttons, and with a deadline that is earlier than normal. I am grateful the “Women of Spirit” event was cancelled so I have the extra time to get Issues to print and next year we will plan with my new schedule in mind.

I did set time aside to learn the new program but it took longer transferring files than expected. Then it was time for my family reunion and once I got back I did a bit more learning, but soon it was time to cook for lots of people and get the Retreat Center ready for their arrival. So once again, I am learning as I go … Luckily, it is relatively easy as most short-cuts are similar and it is just a few oddities that keep slowing me down. I can see the advantages to this new and improved program.

Over the many years, I have also learned that the universe is way more intelligent than I … and even though I sometimes react in the moment, very quickly I re-focus on my breath and think about the bright side of whatever happened, trusting in divine guidance. We indeed did get the right amount of help for all the cooking, gardening and getting the place ready and… Issues got to print in time.

Thirty-five years ago when I was raising young ones, my husband came home and announced he had quit his job. I remember my body stiffening as I asked how we were going to buy groceries and pay the mortgage. He reassured me there were lots of jobs to be had. One year, he had six different jobs, and several times I had to tell myself, “I have never gone hungry or without shelter and I am NOT about to start worrying.” That belief system, which I adopted early in life, is now deeply embedded.

Being in the “now” is good. Trusting the universal flow and learning to listen to my breath via many years of yoga, bodywork and breathing exercises has helped me enjoy being busy and not be stressed. I enjoy most challenges and I get to practice staying centred in that busyness even if I don’t have a plan, for I trust I will have one when the moment arrives. A part of me prefers working in the garden, but since I enjoy the benefits of networking and organizing festivals, here I sit typing my next edition, knowing that all will be well and look better than ever.

The photo on the front cover was taken with some veggies in our garden that I am ever so proud of. It has been three years since I took over responsibility for the garden, which at the time was overrun with grass. I think part of the reason the broccoli grew so large was that it was an old heritage variety, plus we added organic W.O.W. worm castings and RainGrow fertilizer as well as our own homemade compost. I am ever so grateful to the many kind souls who have volunteered to dig, plant and weed so we could have an abundant crop of organic food to serve our guests this summer.

While I was distributing the last edition of Issues, people asked me questions about the image of Kuan Yin, goddess of compassion, that appeared in the section about the Wise Women Festival. I forget that not everyone knows her name. Combining my love of rainbows with her presence amplifies the abundant energy that we create with our intentions. So far, Marion has had fun taking registrations and Christina is looking for a few more healers and readers. If you are interested in the event, which takes place September 19-21, please either find last month’s edition or go to our website.

I feel blessed that many women have stepped forward to make the festival happen. I already feel the excitement building for I know the magic that happens as we evolve conscientiously in our already abundant world.

Recent Comments

Zachary Williams - 02/05/2023

Congratulations on completing your book.

Richard - 02/05/2023

Great to see your book is complete
