This was the original cover of the premiere edition of Issues Magazine showing Dad doing the laundry with my youngest brother Don helping. I knew so little about publishing that it took a few editions before I clued in that not everyone knew who was in my Moms photograph. I did not even put a date on the cover because everyone knew what month it was !
February March 1990
I looked up the word muse in the dictionary and it means to meditate in silence; think deeply; dream. My column will be to share with you, thoughts and dreams. I feel that wholistic health is very important, but not many people are aware of the benefits. Many practitioners are very talented but don’t always make a living doing what they love. I hope my skills as a promoter will entice people to give the wholistic practitioners a try. I’m a networker not a writer so I’m depending on you to supply me with interesting articles. I’d like to thank my supporters and the sponsors who helped make this publication a reality. I hope you enjoy and share this premier edition of ISSUES.
Angele Rowe
Since this Musing is short I have included words from 1989 when I purchased several pages in Shared Vision for several months to see if I could become a networker and publisher.
July and August 1998
Hello, a warm welcome from B.C.’s Interior.
l’m the latest addition to Samaya’s crew of hard working souls. Our vision is one of communication, I believe it is essential to know who is doing what, when, and where. So, we are sharing our talents, time and energy to provide you with the latest up to date information. Starting with the September issue, SHARED VISION will feature calendar of events. editorials, and stories of what’s happening INSIDE B.C. There will be 5000 copies distributed. If you would like to help distribute copies in your area, write articles, advertise, or just help me connect BC.’s valleys together I’d love to hear from you!
October 1989
Welcome! Hope you had time to read last months issue on men. I was able to read parts, as my time seems to be booked doing things for kids, mate and friends. A few thoughts have come to me as deadline draws near. What is important? To make time for oneself or accomplish the goals one has set? I enjoyed learning to operate my new computer and being creative, setting up the ads. l thank God many times a day for the strength he provides but I do wonder if I’m doing the right thing? Am I learning the lessons I’m here for?
Lately, I am reminded of the importance of relaxing. Stress affects the body. But what is stress? I love what I am doing, so is it important to slow down and do less? Will that make me happier or live longer? I don’t know the answers, but I am having fun searching and meeting new people who have wonderful ideas about wholistic life. Sharing a few moments with them seem to make my busy life worthwhile. Many thanks to everyone I have met in the past few months including Steven Tomlinson of Penticton who is now doing our photography so that we may have a few more pics for you to enjoy.
Getting people involved in self-awareness and taking responsibility for our own self care is ultimately my focus in life. A special thanks to the health foods stores who so willingly distribute Shared Vision, offering more than unique foods and alternatives to meat consumption. They offer advice on nutrition, via wholistic magazines, books and what’s happening in the community for the like-minded. Our roles in life seem to be changing so fast we barely have time to contemplate the changes, but meditation will probably be the force that saves our souls. So folks, do take time to give thanks!
To give myself time, I have decided to publish B.C.’s Interior section (Okanagan & Kootenay Regions) of Shared Vision every other month. In the valley it will bc available December 1 and February 1.
December 1989
My third and final inclusion in Shared Vision magazine.
Good news starting February 1st, I will be publishing a magazine called “Issues” available in the valley that will focus on environmental and wholistic health issues and introducing local practitioners so that you can make a choice, in your wellness program. If you have interesting stories, concerns or happenings about the Okanagan Valley that you think should be published, please write me at 2645 Mc Kenzie St., Penticton, B.C. V2A 6J1
ISSUES will be available Feb. 1, 1990 and will be published bi-monthly. You can pick it up at all the usual places in the valley. If you live outside the Okanagan and would like a copy mailed to you, please write.
The Spring Festival of Awareness is happening in March. One of the best family events offered in the province. It offers over 50 wholistic workshops for adults, plus a Children’s Festival.
And finally, Seasons Greetings, may you have a wonderful Christmas. Hope you make a little time for yourself and your loved ones.
When spending money on Christmas gifts please consider a gift of health, perhaps a bodywork session or a natural product from a Health Food store or a unique handmade gift that supports the local economy. Please remember that every dollar you spend is a vote for what you believe in.
Zachary Williams - 02/05/2023
Congratulations on completing your book.
Richard - 02/05/2023
Great to see your book is complete