
The Humuh Monastery
(April/May 2004)

Asking readers to send in pictures for the front cover of the magazine has been a good process of letting go. I thought that if no one responded I would revert to some of my old family homesteading photos, as some readers have suggested…but so far there has been no need. Each month someone has come forward with an idea. This month, the Hümüh Monastery in Westbridge submitted an image of Buddha by the river which I can’t find so I have substituted an image of the newly finished forest temple which is a work of art partially hand crafted by Gerry, from the Juicy Carrot as that is where he lives now.

Finalizing the Wise Guys Weekend, July 25 – 27 in the Kootenay (see back section), has been relatively easy. My guy, Richard, from the Johnson’s Landing Retreat Center and I have done lots of organizing and we really enjoy making contacts with people who want to be part of the shift in consciousness.

I also enjoy doing the registration for the Spring Festival of Awareness and getting to know the participants by name once again. For the past six years I have had staff who have enjoyed doing registration and now that I have moved that has all changed. Christina has done an excellent job of organizing the Healing Oasis. It thrills my heart to be able to provide opportunities for folks to gather and share energy, and to be promoting peace and healing by understanding ourselves.

The beginning of April is a special time for me, partly because I have the Jester as an archetype, who reminds me to take life lightly, to wear my heart on my sleeve, and to keep moving. It also reminds me to keep an eye on my shadow side through the reflection of light. Merging the jester with the rainbow as the logo for the Festival of Awareness makes me feel doubly blessed, as does living with Richard.

I remember thinking the Easter bunny brought me a wonderful gift as the first weekend we spent together was Easter. I knew it was time to allow a man in my life, so I had taken a few moments here and there, to get clear with what I wanted in a partner. I know the universe made a good choice and I feel our bond is growing stronger as we come to appreciate each other strengths and help shine a little light on our shadow sides so they can come out to play and no longer be hidden parts of ourselves.

Richard has much to teach me for he comes from a more cultured background than I. He was an only child who grew up in the suburbs of New York. His enjoying Broadway plays, practicing guitar and living the life of a hippie, travelling around North America in a Volkswagen van, is so different from my mine – one of being a country girl with six brothers, homesteading near Terrace in northern BC and then marrying young and raising three sons. He is much more laid back, for example: when he cooks he thinks more about what would be nice for dinner. My background is more “what’s in the fridge and can be made in a hurry.” For the past ten years, I have been used to eating in front of the computer as I bring in the emails and get caught up. Richard’s meals take more prep time for he really likes being in the kitchen. Even the clean up is enjoyable for him. He then lights candles, plays soft music, and is teaching me to slow down and enjoy the feast.

This past winter I have also been learning to grow sunflower sprouts… they are awesome tasting and if you would like to try it as well… email me and I will pass along the instructions.

Recent Comments

Zachary Williams - 02/05/2023

Congratulations on completing your book.

Richard - 02/05/2023

Great to see your book is complete
